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This LibGuide will assist you in completing the Religious Identity and Life Experiences Case Study

Religious Identity and Life Experience - Case Studies

This unit explores how a person's search for meaning is shaped by the beliefs, practices and experience of their religious tradition and how these impact on both themselves and those within the wider community.

Task: Create a timeline/storyboard on a significant person's life, and include the following:

  • The person's background information
  • Any historical, political and/or economic issues that impacted on the person's life
  • Challenges in the person's life, this may be experiences of social suffering and oppression which was faced by them and their community
  • Any leadership or action that was carried out
  • Achievements and impacts made to the greater community and the person's search for meaning

Search the Library Catalogue

Search the Marian College Library Catalogue for books and resources on the person you are researching.

Oscar Romero

Oscar Romero served as the fourth Archbishop of San Salvador. He spoke out against poverty, social injustice, assassination and torture.

Caritas Australia Gives a basic biography and timeline of Oscar Romero's life.

Following Jesus Read the section title 'Archbishop' that describes the assassination of Rutilio Grande and its effect on Romero.

United Nations Read here about Romero's actions and why he became known as "the voice of the voiceless". 

Catholic Social Teaching  Read the information on how Rutilio Grande's death was a "divine catalyst" for Romero.

Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton was an American Catholic writer and mystic. He became monk at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky. He was a poet, social activist and student of comparative religions.

Crux Read this article entitled 'Catholic writer, Thomas Merton : Holy and oh- so- human'.

Merton Thomas Merton's life and works.

Contemplation in action  Read about Merton's time in Gethsemani and how it changed him.

Sr Brigid Arthur


Sr Brigid Arthur, a Brigidine sister and ex Principal of Marian College, works tirelessly to support asylum seekers and refugees in Australia.

BASP Read the 'About Us' on the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project website

Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum Read the Q and A with Sr Brigid Arthur.

Refugee Week  Watch this video of Sr Brigid speaking at the rally for Justice for Refugees 2014.

The Conversation Hour Listen to an interview with Sr Brigid Arthur

Timeline Makers

Modern World History Database

The Modern World History Database is a must use resource for this subject. You will find Biographies, Events, Primary Sources, Images, Videos, Maps and Charts.

Mohandas Gandhi

Gandhi was a spiritual leader who dedicated his life to correct injustice against Indians and to bring independence to India.

Service Space Read about the gift that changed Gandhi's life.

Britannica Details Gandhi's life, accomplishments, facts and place in history

BBC Bitesize Who was Gandhi?

BBC - Travel Read about the train ride that changed his life and led to the birth of passive resistance

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian, anti-Nazi dissident, and key founding member of the Confessing Church.

Jewish Virtual Library Read about Bonhoeffer's opposition to Nazism.

Wikipedia A comprehensive account of his early life, career and legacy.

The Monthly  'Faith in Politics' by Kevin Rudd

New Republic Read the article, 'The Grounds of Courage' by Alan Wolfe.

Dorothy Day

Dorothy Day was an American journalist, social activist, and Catholic convert. Dorothy Day became famous after her conversion. She initially lived a bohemian lifestyle before becoming Catholic.

Dorothy Day Includes a wide selection of resources on Dorothy Day.

Dorothy Day Biography 

In Our Time - The Dorothy Day Guild Read a newsletter of the Dorothy Day Guild

The Daily Beast Read article, 'Pope Name Drops Dorothy Day in Congress'.

Online Storyboards

Storyboard Templates