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Year 9: Themes: Romeo and Juliet
Elizabethan England
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Year 9: Themes: Romeo and Juliet: Elizabethan England
Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespeare
Elizabethan England
Queen Elizabeth 1
Elizabeth 1 - Biography
BBC - Elizabeth 1
Divine Right of Kings
Elizabeth 1 - Shakespeare's Patron
Life and times in Elizabethan England
Civil War and Revolution
Diseases in Shakespeare's London
Elizabethan England
The poor in Elizabethan England
Shakespeares Life and Times
Statford - Country Life and Character in Elizabethan England
The Gunpowder Plot
What's going on Guy Fawkes Day
BBC History - The Gunpowder Plot
BBC News - Why do bonfires still burn 400 years later
King James 1
James 1 - Biography
The Jamestown Chronicles
James 1 and James V1
Shakespeare and The Gunpowder Plot
Elizabethan Style and Architecture
Elizabethan Architecture
The Elizabethan style
Elizabethan Costume
The Plague
The Plague
William Shakespeare