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Indigenous Issues: Indigenous Issues

An exploration of Indigenous issues, the significant individuals involved, government action and possible future changes.

Aboriginal Perspectives Collection

 Indigenous Issues

The Resource Centre has a seperate collection of books called The Aboriginal Perspectives Collection. This collection has books on a variety of Indigenous issues including The Stolen Generation, Reconciliation, Aboriginal deaths in custody, land rights and recognition of customary law.

Searching the Web

There is a lot of material available on the Internet therefore it is important to use effective search techniques to find the right material to suit your needs.

Decide on your Search terms.

Try Indigenous Issues, Reconciliation, Indigenous Peoples, Aboriginal Rights

Or be more specific.

Try Land Rights, Indigenous Customary Law,  Aboriginal deaths in Custody, The Stolen Generation


Weblinks Online is a database of websites that you can use as a starting point before you venture into the wider web. Access Weblinks Online from the Access It Homepage:

You will need a login and password to access Weblinks Online. See the Resource Centre staff.

Aboriginal deaths in custody

Click on these web-sites for information on Aboriginal deaths iin custody.

The Stolen Generation


Land Rights

Recognition of Indigenous Culture and Law

Great Reference Books on Indigenous Issues



Check out the Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia. This single volume reference book covers a wide range of aspects of Indigenous life, including: society, culture, economics, politics, education, health, land ownership and use and the environment.




Check out the two volume encyclopedia set: The Encyclopedia of Aboriginal Australia. This work contains the life stories and photographs of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women who have made great contributions to their people and their country.


Australia Day - Invasion Day

Aboriginal People respond to Australia Day