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History: World War Two and Australia

History Topic Guides

World War Two

World War Two


World War Two

For books browse the Resource Centre Catalogue under the following subject headings:

World War, 1939-1945

World War, 1939-1945 - Australia

Australia - History - 139-1945

 Browse the shelves at:

940.53 - World War Two

994.04 - Australia and World War Two

994.042 - The Homefront in Australia

World War 11 1939-1945 Overview and Causes



An understanding of the causes and a broad overview of The Second World War is important to your study of Australia's involvement in this war. Make sure you explore this BBC History Website on World War Two.

World War Two books

Modern World History Online Database

The Modern World History Online Database is a must use resource for this subject. You will find Biographies, Events, Primary Sources, Images, Videos, Maps and Charts.

Treasure Trove

Trove is an online search engine developed by the National Library of Australia. At the click of a button, you can access a large and unrivalled repository of Australian material.

ebook Dorling Kindersley Guide to World War II

World War 11

by Simon Adam

Australia and World War II - Weblinks

The Kokoda Trail

Screen Australia


Australian Screen

Make sure you explore these video resources from Australian Screen about The Second World War.


Remember to always record the resources you have used in your research and to provide the information with your assessment tasks.

There are some excellent online citation generators to help you create your bibliography and to help you with in text citations.

This particular one uses the Oxford style.

Online Citation Generator